Introduction: Explore Seaham’s cliffs to discover compelling evidence of meltwater activity towards the end of the last glacial cycle.
Glacial Fluvial Outwash Sands and Gravels: Along the cliff tops we can see a transition from glacial till to well-sorted sands and gravels in places. These are the result of excess meltwater moving southwards with rivers and streams depositing sand and gravel on top of the cliffs.
Channelized Outwash: Lucky observers may spot sand and gravel deposited in channels,. These form part of a braided outwash system—a classic indication of a glacial landscape.
Subglacial Meltwater Flow: Seaham’s glacial tills also hold another secret—evidence of meltwater flowing beneath the ice. Layers of poorly sorted gravels and sands beneath or within the tills bear testimony to subglacial streams active while the ice sheet was present.
360 Degree Interactive Panorama